Many JobNet customers have needs and interests related to issues that can impact careers and their job search. JobNet has responded to such issues by sponsoring one-of-a-kind and continuing activities, many of which use external experts to present and discuss the subject. These include:
CORI Review – (Criminal Offender Record Information) Provides notary services to obtain a free copy of a personal CORI Report. After receipt of the CORI JobNet sets up legal services for interpretation and advise.
Credit Workshop – Provides information and advice on understanding and protecting your credit rating
Health Insurance Consultations – Referrals to sources for low or no cost health insurance providers.
Overcoming Age Barriers Workshop – Dealing with the issues and impact of age and how it relates to your job search.
Small Business Support – A monthly Small Business Administration representative discusses business start-up resources to support opening a small business.
Tax Talk – A workshop that assists customers to understand IRS rules regarding payment of taxes on unemployment claims.